Tel: 503-640-0818

Participant Story


One participant came to BTI bored and depressed about life. After their brain injury they had lost their friends, felt isolated, and their current socially unacceptable behavior had made them unwelcome in different public places.  They had tried working with vocational rehabilitation, but it had been a failure.  BTI staff worked with the participant on developing social skills to be able to build friendships.  They worked with the participant on recognizing and curbing socially unacceptable behavior and finding coping skills to use when things weren’t progressing fast enough and life looked depressing.  Under BTI staff supervision, the participant worked on developing work habits for success and is employed at a job one day per week.

Participant Story

BTI staff became aware of one participant’s risky social behavior and had been working with them to encourage safer choices. The participant’s unsafe choices ultimately led to them being evicted…

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Participant Story

One participant came to BTI bored and depressed about life. After their brain injury they had lost their friends, felt isolated, and their current socially unacceptable behavior had made them…

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Participant Story

Another participant came to BTI with a history of inappropriate sexual advances that had isolated them and kept vocational opportunities out of reach. BTI staff worked with this participant on…

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Participant Story

A participant with a history of substance abuse joined the day program. BTI staff developed with them goals that they wanted to achieve but active drug seeking was preventing them…

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Participant Story

Becoming easily irritated and then getting angry was interfering with another participant’s ability to be around people. Staff worked with the participant on strategies to use to take care of…

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